Adding new STM32 target mcu

Hello. I compile my code only with GCC_ARM. I do not know whether I have to modify the startup instructions for the ARM and IAR toolchains as well. Probably the binary file will not work if someone use one of these two toolchains.

Moreover, I am trying to compile the code with cli2. I folowed the instructions but it does not work neither for the discovery nor for the modified nucleo board. I had to modify the CMakeLists.txt in my custom target folder at the beginning. It was missing. Then I modified the cmakelists.txt files exactly how it is explained in the guide. But still not working. I have the same issue with this thread. My targets are already created in the targets folder. So, I skipped the instructions related to the custom_targets.json. In the end I had to modify only the cmakelists.txt files. I did it but I could not get it work up to now.