It is Veysel My board is STM32 Nucleo F429ZI and I use Mbed-os 6.6.0. I can read from my car CANBus data but I am not able to write on the bus. I tried it with two STM32 (same boards) and my trancivers are SN65HVD230
So I know that I can read on the CANBus , but I cannot write.
I tried it with your example with MbedOS 6.6 and 6.7 but nothing changed. I switched the comment lines for each STM32 and after tried to do that, I tried change PB8 and PB9 to PD0 and PD1. I don’t really understand what the problem is.
As Jan says, the Rx, Tx (pink, orange) wires of the CAN node on the left-hand side seems to be swapped. Although the grounds of the CAN nodes are most likely connect to each other over the USB cable and grid, it’s better to connect them with a wire (like you did for the CANBUS_LOW, CANBUS_HIGH). It will make the bus more reliable.
Try the code + wiring (including the terminating resistors) as shown here. Import and compile the Mbed OS 2 program as it is (do not update the mbed library). Once it works use the same wiring for your Mbed OS 6 program (match the wiring pins).
Right I tried both canbus. The photo for PD0 PD1
I take a quick video for more explaining my problem.
I can read all data from my car but I cant write on it. I checked adresses and changed them by the way. It is for JohnnyK code. Still, I can read but not able to write. I am trying it almost for 1 mount.
It is better to try it without car (it looks like cool Formule) at the moment.
I see you use two notebooks, do you have connected all ground together? How Zoltan wrote.
In real car are all ECUs, as CAN-BUS nodes, connected to same ground (Car body).