Can't seem to create a valid CSR

I’m having trouble inserting a valid CSR into a request (still trying to implement an ACME client, I’m almost at the last step).
The CSR that I create using mbedtls_x509write_csr_pem() doesn’t get accepted.
When I try the example programs, they also don’t appear to create a CSR with the right info. Example below.
What am I missing ?


acer: {51} ./cert_req filename=private_key-2.pem
  . Seeding the random number generator... ok
  . Checking subject name... ok
  . Loading the private key ... ok
  . Writing the certificate request ... ok
acer: {52} ./req_app

  . Loading the CSR ... failed
  !  mbedtls_x509_csr_parse_file returned -9184

acer: {53} ./cert_req filename=private_key-2.pem 
  . Seeding the random number generator... ok
  . Checking subject name... ok
  . Loading the private key ... ok
  . Writing the certificate request ... ok
acer: {54} ./req_app

  . Loading the CSR ... ok
  . CSR information    ...
      CSR version   : 1
      subject name  : CN=Cert, O=mbed TLS, C=UK
      signed using  : RSA with SHA-256
      RSA key size  : 2048 bits

acer: {55}

also :
acer: {60} ./cert_req filename=private_key-2.pem
. Seeding the random number generator… ok
. Checking subject name… ok
. Loading the private key … ok
. Writing the certificate request … ok
acer: {61} openssl req -in cert.req -verify -noout -subject
verify OK
acer: {62} ./cert_req filename=private_key-2.pem
. Seeding the random number generator… ok
. Checking subject name… ok
. Loading the private key … ok
. Writing the certificate request … ok
acer: {63} openssl req -in cert.req -verify -noout -subject
verify OK
subject=CN = Cert, O = mbed TLS, C = UK
acer: {64}

Hi @DannyBackx
Thank you for your question!

Please note that the subject name that you are inserting for the cert_req is not a valid Distinguished Name. This is why you get the parsing error, as a valid subject name does not exist .(You can look at the generated CSR at an online ASN1 decoder such as )

You can also see that in your openssl CSR print, the subject is empty as well.

In order to fix this, the subject_name should be a valid DN, for example:

./cert_req filename=privateKey.key
  . Seeding the random number generator... ok
  . Checking subject name... ok
  . Loading the private key ... ok
  . Writing the certificate request ... ok


  . Loading the CSR ... ok
  . CSR information    ...
      CSR version   : 1
      subject name  :
      signed using  : RSA with SHA-256
      RSA key size  : 2048 bits

Mbed TLS Support

Note I have created CSR generation does not return an error when generating an invalid subject · Issue #2969 · Mbed-TLS/mbedtls · GitHub to track the issue the CSR generation didn’t fail on this invalid input

Thanks Ron,

Now local tests work, as you demonstrated.
Next problem : figure out why the server isn’t taking it :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas,


I (13255) Acme: FinalizeOrder: PerformWebQuery → {
“type”: “urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed”,
“detail”: “Request payload did not parse as JSON”,
“status”: 400

HI Danny,
Merry Christmas!

Next problem : figure out why the server isn’t taking it :slight_smile:

It seems that you are not generating the JSON structure correct for the server. A quick search online gave me this result.


Thanks, but I made a clear mistake (I was sending PEM, not DER format for the CSR).
Still such an error though, and I don’t see obvious problems with my query.
But that’s for another forum :slight_smile:
Thanks again.


I (9795) Acme: FinalizeOrder : msg {
“protected”: “eyJhbGciOiAiUlMyNTYiLCAibm9uY2UiOiAiMDAwMWJSZ2xCQUZlQ0tPckkyT1pyWi05WE9uVms0V2R1VkVscVZ6YzZYQzJmZDgiLCAidXJsIjogImh0dHBzOi8vYWNtZS1zdGFnaW5nLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvZmluYWxpemUvMTE2NDk2NTUvNjY3OTIxMzgiLCAia2lkIjogImh0dHBzOi8vYWNtZS1zdGFnaW5nLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYWNjdC8xMTY0OTY1NSJ9”,
“signature”: “nEfAWKoYQwVRvvzx9aNt3SjbsCfliG9hgM3zMeXXYIuQ7xehKzmMbJ3vau47w61dCHFBdckJVnRTrxFBfCWK-QdxxFGaVuwzYNj6mf2RsxBRdCQWAVf-TgSKuWQ9Kv65ZDehhy4BbklAOUMHw4PM2R0mzFNrB4OQOKmgIpiDlyTgtS016CYgocN2FhaM-_EKFSv8mUoULg”
I (9935) Acme: PerformWebQuery: set_post_field length 1671
I (11125) FTP Server: 26-12-2019 08:19:01 : 220 LightFTP server v2.0a ready
I (11535) Acme: HttpEvent: header Server value nginx
I (11535) Acme: HttpEvent: header Date value Thu, 26 Dec 2019 07:19:02 GMT
I (11535) Acme: HttpEvent: header Content-Type value application/problem+json
I (11545) Acme: HttpEvent: header Content-Length value 107
I (11555) Acme: HttpEvent: header Connection value keep-alive
I (11555) Acme: HttpEvent: header Boulder-Requester value 11649655
I (11565) Acme: HttpEvent: header Cache-Control value public, max-age=0, no-cache
I (11575) Acme: HttpEvent: header Link value;rel=“index”
I (11585) Acme: HttpEvent: header Replay-Nonce value 00025NerwYzXwK4_IwzoAigiK7mNdOuVY9ZkQMbaSWvaxqA
I (11595) Acme: FinalizeOrder: PerformWebQuery → {
“type”: “urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed”,
“detail”: “JWS verification error”,
“status”: 400
E (11605) Acme: FinalizeOrder: failure 400 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed JWS verification error

Thanks Ron,
I made a very simple mistake : was using PEM instead of DER as format for the CSR. ACME specs clearly state DER :slight_smile: .


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