C:\mbed-os-example-blinky>mbed compile
[mbed] Working path “C:\mbed-os-example-blinky” (program)
[mbed] Auto-installing missing Python modules (colorama, urllib3, junit_xml, pyyaml, jsonschema, future, six, requests, idna, pyserial, jinja2, intelhex, mbed_ls, mbed_host_tests, mbed_greentea, beautifulsoup4, pyelftools, pycryptodome, pyusb, hidapi, cmsis_pack_manager, pywin32, wmi, psutil, cryptography, click, cbor)…
[mbed] WARNING: Unable to auto-install required Python modules.
The mbed OS tools in this program require the following Python modules: colorama, urllib3, junit_xml, pyyaml, jsonschema, future, six, requests, idna, pyserial, jinja2, intelhex, mbed_ls, mbed_host_tests, mbed_greentea, beautifulsoup4, pyelftools, pycryptodome, pyusb, hidapi, cmsis_pack_manager, pywin32, wmi, psutil, cryptography, click, cbor
You can install all missing modules by running “pip install -r requirements.txt” in “C:\mbed-os-example-blinky\mbed-os”
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\mbed-os-example-blinky\mbed-os\tools\”, line 22, in
from builtins import str
ImportError: No module named builtins
[mbed] ERROR: “C:\Python27\python.exe” returned error.
Code: 1
Path: “C:\mbed-os-example-blinky”
Command: “C:\Python27\python.exe -u C:\mbed-os-example-blinky\mbed-os\tools\ -t GCC_ARM -m DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A --source . --build .\BUILD\DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A\GCC_ARM”
Tip: You could retry the last command with “-v” flag for verbose output