Interesting. Events are always executed in a ‘normal’ context - no ISRs or other special contextes - so there should be literally no difference between calling a semihosting call from your main function or through the event queue. I have reported your findings here, let’s see if core OS team has an idea.
Also, I assume it’s safe to queue a new event from within an event callback. Specifically:
Hi Malachi
Sorry for not answering ealier.
F303K8 doesn’t support MBED5, so I have run the below test on F091RC, F446RE and L476RG.
All run fine for 20 minutes and mode. Maybe things have been fixed since report (there has been a fix on tickers) or the test code is different. So please either provide a way to reproduce otherwise let’s close it.
I believe there was a bug that did get fixed in the events system
Using .mbedignore to exclude the RTOS component yields compilation (thanks to janjongboom for that one!) for the STM32F303K8, though I am not sure how supported this configuration is.