FRDM K64F PWM pin usage

FRDM K64F have something wrong with the definition of pins for PWM. D port is usable for this, Port C is not - when unit starts with uploaded SW with improper allocation it blinks and sends error code which is meaningless. Document FRDM-K64F | Mbed do not set any prerequisites on using port C.
For me it was not a problem but is something that either have quick solution or is just worth mentioning…

Hi Waldemar,

Do all the pins of port C have the same problems? Could it be caused by the pin mux doesn’t be configured well?


To be honest I have only checked on 2 or 3 - those that are easy for usage on the FRDM board I use.
I presume you are right - there is some sort of misconfiguration - anyway the configuration part is ‘hidden’ from the user so I have no option but to report an issue and use other ports ;<