How to develop offline by useing mbed studio

Due to network reasons, I cannot import the library using mbed studio. Is there a way to develop with mbed studio offline?

I am little bit confused what you mean with that when all resources are on a server.
But for example when you have a laptop, you can all necessary things (create a project and download necessary libraries) download at home and later normally work in a train, during the way to work and so on.

BR, Jan

Can I download the required libraries without IDE?I mean Download the library manually, and then use the IDE to configure it?

Hi again,

It seems it is possible but you must to test it.
I tried to download TextLCD via a link from bottom right

Download repository: zip

Then placed it to project’s folder and reload the Studio or reactive the project for sure.

If you want to create whole project, you need to download whole MbedOS from github, then create a file with name mbed-os.lib and inside place a correct commit ID also from the github in correct format
Mbed-os (folder), mbed-os.lib and a empty main.cpp place to a new project folder and then start the studio.

However, the best would be more describe your issue with network connection, then the Mbed Studio team can recommend a solution for you.

BR, Jan

thanks any way!

In the top panel under the Help section you can found a selection “Report an issue”. After you you will choose this, you will see a message box where is also a link to MbedStudio folder with a Log file.
This log file is good to include to your description of your problem.
Btw a tip, it would be good to place your themes in the right section “Mbed Studio”.

BR, Jan