How to use multiple flags for intra-thread signaling?

EventFlags can also be very effectively used to handle interrupts:

// Define event flags.
const uint32_t INTERRUPT_FLAG = (1UL << 0);  // position 0

// Define global variables
EventFlags  evenFlags;
InterruptIn button(p22);

// The following function is called on interrupt. 
// It is as short as possible (to not blocking) .
void  on_iterrupt()

// The next task is an Interrupt Service Routine and
// it is running in a high priority task.
// It is blocking/waiting for the INTERRUPT_FLAG to become set.
void interrupt_service_routine()
    while (1) {
        // serving the interrupt

Thread thread_isr(osPriorityHigh);

int main()
    // Start the interrupt service routine task 
    // in a high priority task.

    // Attach a callback to the interrupt.
    // The main thread
    while(1) {

Have a look also at API Can lose messages - #2 by hudakz .

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