Important update on Mbed - End of Life

For a free-to-use embedded development environment we recommend Arm Keil MDK v6 Community Edition, which works seamlessly with the CMSIS standard and CMSIS RTX RTOS:

Hello ,

can we use this community free software for commercial applications?

I believe the part of name Community = Non-Commercial, otherwise it makes no sense to mark this with that name. It is same like with Visual Studio Community Edition.

BR, Jan

definitely interested in having a Cloud IDE

In anticipation of the end of life of the Mbed tools, Iā€™ve been looking for a way to do without Mbed Studio and, above all, ARM authentication.

I switched to PlatformIO for simplicityā€™s sake, so that I could continue to use Mbed-OS until I had the courage and time to port a project to Mbed-CE.

PlatformIO with Mbed-OS works perfectly, itā€™s very easy to use.
I have several projects underway on FRDM-K64F, NUCLEO-F756ZG, LPC1768 that run without a hitch.
Nothing too complicated, but to give you an idea of the features used, hereā€™s a short list.
KVStore, EthernetInterface, Thread, EventQueue, UnbufferedSerial, Ticker, I2C, SPI, AnalogIn.

I donā€™t know if thereā€™s much maintenance for PlatformIO with Mbed-OS, since itā€™s no longer evolvingā€¦

Iā€™m interested in the possibility of using Mbed-CE with PlatformIO, I donā€™t know the work involved but I imagine itā€™s very substantial.
Iā€™d be delighted to test this possibility, and it would be a great boost for me to port my projects from Mbed-OS to Mbed-CE.


@MultipleMonomials mentioned that to support PlatformIO is on his list. He has been busy improving EMAC driver for STM32, once that is done, he will probably start to work on it at some point. See if you can help test new EMAC driver.