Issues viewing serial `printf` output on Mac


I do not have any experience with that hardware but the behavior seems be logical because…

  • the default STD console (printf) is set to pins P1_03 and P1_10 standart Arduino D0 and D1, I think. But these pins semms to not be connected to the same USB port what is used for upload (because there is not a bridge ofc). That is the reason why you do not see any output from printf in your terminal. With this you probably need another converter like FTDI to pins P1_03 and P1 and so on.
  • USBSerial API is not for UART but is for real USB interface. In schematic is visible the USB interface is connected to the onboard USB port. So it looks like the program switched to provide USB DEVICE, and that is probably the reason why the second option is working and why your PC identified another USB ID and first one disappeared .


I can not test it, so it is only a theory according to sources :slight_smile:

I recommend to read - Hitchhiker’s Guide to Printf in Mbed 6 - Mbed OS - Arm Mbed OS support forum

BR, Jan