I have managed to port Mbed OS 6 to the Adafruit Feather nrf52840 and have been testing to make sure all functionality is working. The simple blink LED works and the BLE Gatt Server also works, so I know many things are working. The best part is the USBSerial also works so I can use serial.printf() for debugging through the virtual USB com port.
I have one thing I really do want working is the default printf() to also go to the USBSeral com port, so I do not need to define the USBSerial in code.
My boards section of the PinNames.h is shown below:
#include "mbed.h"
#include "USBSerial.h"
DigitalOut led1(LED_RED);
USBSerial serial;
// main() runs in its own thread in the OS
int main()
while (true) {
// Blink LED
led1 = !led1;
wait_us(1000 * 1000);
The console shows “hello” every second, but “hello2” does not.
Any ideas on how to setup the board definition are appreciated.
Hi Zoltan,
That did work great when I placed it in the main.cpp.
Trying to move it to a spot such as PinNames.h or Devices.h proves much harder. Lots of type conflicts with other header files that I tried to fix but might be a little beyond me. I looked through GitHub for examples of implementations that are not in main.cpp and they do not seem to exist.
Is implementing the mbed_override_console() method the suggested way to handle redirection of the default printf() when porting to a new board?
Seems there would be some boards that write to a UART and others to USB.
If it is the way to do it then I guess I need to continue to figure out the conflicts when I add that routine to the header files.
In the Adafruit_Feather_NRF52840 library I have created a new TARGET_Adafruit_Feather_NRF52840 folder.
Because I don’t have your custom files, I copy&pasted the device.h and PinNames.h files from the mbed-os/targets/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF5x/TARGET_NRF52/TARGET_MCU_NRF52840/TARGET_NRF52840_DK folder into the TARGET_Adafruit_Feather_NRF52840 folder.
In the TARGET_Adafruit_Feather_NRF52840 folder I have created a new UsbConsole.h file.
Copy and pasted the following code into the UsbConsole.h file:
Hi Zoltan,
I think the only step I was missing from above was creating my own UsbConsole.h file. I was trying to add the mbed_override_console() method to the existing pinNames.h or Devices.h…and that did not go down well.
Your explanation of how to create a custom board configuration was exceptional. Thanks to taking the time to do that. It was very much appreciated.