Mbed SD filesystem problem opening file

Hi everyone,
I hope you can help me with an issue using filesystem. I haw a custom board with microcontroller LPC1768 and two SD card connect to LPC1768 using the same spi connection but different chip select. When I use the function “initSD” everything works well, I can create files in both SD card and add one line in a file. After that initialization I call function “SaveDataSD” in order to save data in both SDcard, the filesystem is mounted well but when I try to open a file I get a null pointer from “fopen” and I get the next output with printf:

Mount SD Sucess
Error, can’t open or create file datalogger.csv
Error save SD1
Mount SD Sucess
Error, can’t open or create file datalogger.csv
Error save SD2

Can someone give me a hint to solve this problem?

SDBlockDevice   sd1(p5, p6, p7, p8, 25000000);
SDBlockDevice   sd2(p5, p6, p7, p29, 25000000);
FATFileSystem   fs("fs");
FILE            *fd;
static  BufferedSerial serial_Data_Exchange(p28, p27);
DigitalIn   cardDetectuSD1(p21);
DigitalIn   cardDetectuSD2(p22);
int     initSD(SDBlockDevice *sdDevice);
void    getDataUART(void);
int     saveDataSD(SDBlockDevice *sdDevice);

int main(void)
    while(init() != 0)
        printf("Error Init().\n");
        serial_Data_Exchange.write("Error Init\n", strlen("Error Init\n"));
    serial_Data_Exchange.write("Init OK\n", strlen("Init OK\n"));
    while (1) 
void getDataUART()
        if (saveDataSD(&sd1) != 0)
            serial_Data_Exchange.write("Error save SD1\n", strlen("Error save SD1\n"));
            printf("Error save SD1\n");
            serial_Data_Exchange.write("ACK save JSON SD1\n", strlen("ACK save JSON SD1\n"));
            printf("ACK save JSON SD1\n");
int initSD(SDBlockDevice *sdDevice)

    int error = fs.mount(sdDevice);
    if (error != 0)
        printf("Mount SD failed, error = %d.\r\n", error);
        return error;
        printf("Mount SD Sucess\r\n");
    fd = fopen("/fs/datalogger.csv", "r");
    if(fd == NULL)
        printf("File datalogger.csv not exists, creating file\r\n");
        fd = fopen("/fs/datalogger.csv", "a");
        if(fd == NULL)
            printf("Can´t create file datalogger.csv\r\n");
            error = fs.unmount();
            if(error != 0)
                printf("Unmount Failed error = %d...\r\n", error);
                return -error;
            return -EPERM;
        printf("File datalogger.csv created\r\n");
        printf("Adding first line\r\n");
        fwrite(firstLine, sizeof(char), sizeof(firstLine), fd);
        printf("Closing File\r\n");
        printf("File datalogger.csv Exists\r\n");
        printf("Closing File\r\n");
    fd = fopen("/fs/log.json", "r");
    if(fd == NULL)
        printf("File log.json not exists, creating file\r\n");
        fd = fopen("/fs/log.json", "a");
        if(fd == NULL)
            printf("Can´t create file log.json\r\n");
            error = fs.unmount();
            if(error != 0)
                printf("Unmount Failed error = %d...\r\n", error);
                return -error;
            return -EPERM;
        printf("File log.json created\r\n");
        printf("Closing File\r\n");
        error = fs.unmount();
        if(error != 0)
            printf("Unmount Failed error = %d...\r\n", error);
            return -error;
        return 0;
        printf("File log.json Exists\r\n");
        printf("Closing File\r\n");
    error = fs.unmount();
    if(error != 0)
        printf("Unmount Failed error = %d...\r\n", error);
        return -error;
    fd = NULL;
    return 0;

int saveDataSD(SDBlockDevice *sdDevice)
    int error = fs.mount(sdDevice);
    if (error != 0)
        printf("Mount SD failed, error = %d.\r\n", error);
        return error;
    else {
        printf("Mount SD Sucess\r\n");
    fd = fopen("datalogger.csv", "a");
    if(fd == NULL)
        printf("Error, can't open or create file datalogger.csv\r\n");
        return -ENOENT;
    else {
        printf("File datalogger.csv open\r\n");
        fwrite(dataLog, sizeof(char), strlen(dataLog), fd);
        printf("Closing file.\r\n");
    fd = fopen("/fs/log.json", "a");
    if(fd == NULL)
        printf("Error, can't open or create file log.json\r\n");
        return -ENOENT;
    else {
        printf("File log.json open\r\n");
        fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), strlen(buf), fd);
        fwrite("\n", sizeof(char), 1, fd);
        printf("Closing file.\r\n");
    return 0;


usually is good to make the affected code simple as can for easy reproduce the issue.

  • You wrote about a console output and two SD cards but the published code uses only object sd1.
  • An init() function, called in the while loop, is not declared/visible.
  • On the other hand, initSD(sdbd) function is not used anywhere.

In the function saveDataSD you have this line

fd = fopen("datalogger.csv", "a");

but it seems like there missing /fs/

fd = fopen("/fs/datalogger.csv", "a");

for avoid this is good to use macros for file names

#define MOUNT_PATH           "/fs/"
#define FILENAMEONE      MOUNT_PATH "filename1.csv"
#define FILENAMETWO      MOUNT_PATH "filename2.txt"
fd = fopen(FILENAMEONE, "a");

I do not know what is exactly the reason of write a first line to the file. But you not need check if the file exist when you use “+” in the mode argument of the fopen method.
fopen - C++ Reference (cplusplus.com)

Also the FILE object seems to be pointless to have it as global when you not use it as global.

BR, Jan

Hi @JohnnyK , thanks for your reply. I tried to reduce the code but in the process some instructions were deleted, I could do it better. Just now I am reducing the code to isolate the problem but in this step I notice my new code is working but still I must see what was the problem.

Best Regards