Mbed Studio 1.4.2 linter bugs


That does not surprise me in the slightest. Two years on, some things still are not fixed. See this post here for instance: https://forums.mbed.com/t/target-restrict-size-doesnt-pad-out-the-bin-file/14553/3. Simply ridiculous.

The fact that I am still getting notifications from this forum two years after last working with this despicable piece of software, says a lot to me.

If you are thinking of using the bootloader feature of Mbed OS, do not bother, that’s all.

Kind regards,

Tijn Losekoot

Target.restrict_size doesn’t pad out the .bin file
I use target.restrict_size like so in the mbed_app.json file. { “target_overrides”: { “MAX32630FTHR”: { “target.device_name”: “MAX32630”, “target.bootloader_supported”: true, “target.pad_to_restrict_size”: true, “target.restrict_size”: “0x16000” } } } I even added the extra parameter “pad_to_restrict_size” after coming across this old Github post: Add padding up to restrict_size by statropy · Pull Request #11043 · ARMmbed/…

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