I some time worked with some SD card, SPI communication and I2C LCD project Today I just added button digital IN for program control and faced up with strange problem:
For now While loop can be used with expression (1) only. In this case I see only one warning “[Warning] @0,0: L3912W: Option ‘legacyalign’ is deprecated.” and program compile and work fine. If I adding something else in While expression like (!button) - program does not compile anymore and I’m receiving fault: “[Error] @0,0: L6218E: Undefined symbol rtos::ThisThread::sleep_for(std::__2::chrono::duration<unsigned int, std::__2::ratio<1ll, 1000ll> >) (referred from BUILD/NUCLEO_F429ZI/ARMC6/main.o).” and new warning “[ERROR] Warning: L3912W: Option ‘legacyalign’ is deprecated.”
Board as you can see is UCLEO_F429ZI, Mbed Studio 1.4.2, libraries - newest
What can be wrong there ? Everything worked fine some days ago, before software upgrade.