i have a lot of trouble using the mbed studio debugger. i am using:
- mbed os 6.9
- target NUCLEO_F767ZI
- build profile debug
- mbed studio 1.4.1
i know, target NUCLEO_F767ZI is not yet officially supported for debugging, but in principle it works so far. the most relevant problems i have with the debugger is the following:
- the debugger does often not show the correct location (file and line number) when halted, e.g. due to a break point.
- the debugger does almost never show the local variables
- the debugger sometimes simply unexpectedly quit when continue run, complaining receiving ctrl-c
here a screenshot of debugger showing wrong location:
- debug console and call stack left hand name are correct
- call stack right hand file and line number are wrong and completely unrelated
- it points at the right source window
which is wrong - the correct location would be the left source file (opened manually, just for showing)
since i am using a non-officially supported target for debugging, i can imagine that there could still be some problems in using the debugger. but the problems presented here are generic and fundamental, probably related to parsing map or elf file or something, and probably not due to using a specific target.
thanks for helping!