Octal SPI on B-U585

Just a follow up on the “scratching my head part”, I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong that doesn’t allow the embedded cmake EMW3080B wifi library see the mbed-os level include files/libaries.

Obviously, the configuration for project finding the EMW3080B library required the proper setup of the top level CMakeLists.txt file and the proper defines to know that the B_U585I_IOT02A uses that device.

Is there any cmake setup documentation to know where, how and what libraries should be specified to get access to them? I tried declaring a TCPSocket and started with adding mbed-netsocket to target_link_libraries() as per the mbed-os-example-sockets example repository. This gave me the “mbed.h” not found errors for the wifi EMW3080B device library. I messed around a little and specified mbed-netsocket-api instead and TCPSocket build then worked, likely to do with mbed-netsocket including mbed-wifi while mbed-netsocket-api does not.

Regardless I need both wifi and netsocket so I still have to figure out how to get the EMW3080B library to include the required mbed-os include files and/or libaries.

Ah, looks like these are missing due to Mbed CE using an older version of STM32Cube HAL. Looks like this PR hasn’t been pulled into our fork yet. For now, you might have to just use the registers directly, but I can work on merging in that PR.

Regarding the EMW3038B compile error, I believe I’ve located the problem. Looks like there were some missing dependencies (between mbed-wifi and other internal mbed-os libraries) in a CMakeLists.txt file. I’ve pushed a fix to the branch, the build should work now!

That did the trick. EMW3080B library now operation on a B_U585I_IOT02A build.

Thanks again.

I have a LoRaWan and DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1 project configuring issue right from basic project setup that I have been staring at too long. I’ll start another thread for that one though.