I’m having trouble getting my STM32 NUCLEO-144 board (NUCLEO-F412ZG) to enter deep sleep. When I build the blinky example application, and attempt to monitor the CPU usage, I get this:
Uptime: 538979370 Idle time: 524874270 Sleep time: 524874270 Deep sleep time: 0
I added a mbed_app.json file with the following parameters as well:
“target_overrides”: {
“*”: {
“platform.cpu-stats-enabled”: 1,
“platform.stdio-convert-newlines”: true,
“platform.stdio-baud-rate”: 9600
None of this seems to help the board go into deep sleep. Also, note that it appears that there is a bug in the deep sleep tracing code for the STM32 that requires a whole bunch of weird workaround that essentially break the ability of the code to deep sleep.
When I use that workaround to get sleep tracing to not crash, I get the following output:
LOCK: SysTimer.cpp, ln: 115, lock count: 1
Sleep locks held:
[id: SysTimer.cpp, count: 1]
UNLOCK: SysTimer.cpp, ln: 154, lock count: 0
Any help with this would be appreciated.
-Dan Fay