STM32F746-DISCO MEMS Microphones

Good evening to you all,

I’m a first year engineer student in electronics and I’m on a personal project with my STM32F746NG-DISCO.
Long story short, we’re making a beacon coverage prototype in the canope of Guyana (in areas of interest) to hinder illegal gold panning.

The idea is to use our board’s 2 MEMS microphones to detect a sound, low-pass filter it, FFT it and then make it mathematically useable (but it’s another story).

The first step is already bugging us. It seems impossible for me to get the right documentation on those MEMS microphones. They are connected to the CODEC of the board, that’s for sure but how do I even “talk” to the codec using the STM32CubeIDE ?
I think we are not looking the right direction or we are too disoriented by our lack of knowledge and experience.

I would like to know how those darn MEMS microphones work, where to see the data (apparently with SAI) and how to configure them first (apparently with SPI) or just having a clearer picture of how to use them the correct way.

Thank you a lot for those who want to help us, this has been bugging us for about a month now…
Have a nice evening,

Sincerely, Theo


interesting project but this forum is for things around MbedOS so if you want to make it with CubeIDE and HALs then would be better visit the ST community forum.

Anyway, the ST has a package of drivers for the DiscoF746 - BSP_DISCO_F746NG. That package also include Audio IN/OUT. You can try (I not test it) DISCO-F746NG_AUDIO_demo - AUDIO DISCO_F746NG audioloop basic example | Mbed. If you not wanna try it you can look into the source of that driver where you will see implementation.

Also you can visit ST’s github where you can find STM32CubeF7 what also include BSP Drivers and examples.

BR, Jan

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Good evening,

Thank you a lot for your help and advice, we shall now ask the ST community neighbours for some help !
We will look further into the links you brought us and maybe add a last message of our progress here to help anyone who stumbles upon the thread. You helped us way more than you think !

Thank you again and have a nice evening

Sincerely, Theo