Thread and Serial interrupt with queue

Trying to play with Thread.

I have a F303K8 that send by Serial a char that is at 0 or 1.
On the other side I have a F411RE that receive the Serial to get the 1 or 0 with interrupt. It display it at the screen.
This part of the code works well.

Now I want to introduce thread to have my interrupt function that fullfill a queue with 1 or 0 and a second thread that get informations in the queue to know if the led have to be ON (1) of OFF (0).
But it does not works. The led never change of state but I can display at my screen that I receive 1 or 0.

It worked well when I used a standard function with a basic loop that increment a i and I sent i % 2 from a thread to another, but over Serial and in Interruption function it seems to not works.

Here is the code of my receiver and led blinker:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "rtos.h"

typedef struct  frame_s {
  int           std_led;
}               frame_t;

DigitalOut  std_led(LED1);
DigitalOut  red_led(D9);
DigitalOut  yellow_led(D12);

MemoryPool<frame_t, 16> mpool;
Queue<frame_t, 16> queue;

Serial uart(D10, D3);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

void    getDatas(void const *args) {
  yellow_led = 1;
  while (42) {
    // yellow_led = !yellow_led;
    osEvent evt = queue.get();
    if (evt.status == osEventMessage) {
      frame_t *frame = (frame_t *)evt.value.p;
      std_led = frame->std_led;;

void uartRxInterruption(void) {
  char c = uart.getc();
  red_led = !red_led;
  frame_t *frame = mpool.alloc();
  frame->std_led = (int)c;
  pc.putc(c + 48);

int   main(void) {
  Thread    data_generator(getDatas);


  return 0;

and here is my Serial generator: (I’m not sure you need that but just in case)

#include "mbed.h"

Serial uart(D13, D12);

int   main(void) {
  int i = 0;

  while(42) {
    i += 1;
    uart.putc(i % 2);
  return 0;

And here is a code that works great with a fake generation signal (a function that loop based on a i % 2)

#include "mbed.h"
#include "rtos.h"

typedef struct  frame_s {
  int           std_led;
}               frame_t;

DigitalOut  std_led(LED1);
DigitalOut  red_led(D9);
DigitalOut  yellow_led(D12);

MemoryPool<frame_t, 16> mpool;
Queue<frame_t, 16> queue;

Serial uart(D10, D3);

void    getDatas(void const *args) {
  yellow_led = 1;
  while (42) {
    yellow_led = !yellow_led;
    osEvent evt = queue.get();
    if (evt.status == osEventMessage) {
      frame_t *frame = (frame_t *)evt.value.p;
      std_led = frame->std_led;;

void  uartRxInterruption(void const *args) {


int   main(void) {
  Thread    data_generator(getDatas);
  // Thread    uart_rx(uartRxInterruption);
  // uart.attach(&uartRxInterruption);

  int i = 0;
  char c;
  while(true) {
    // char c = uart.getc();
    i += 1;
    c = i % 2;
    red_led = !red_led;

    frame_t *frame = mpool.alloc();
    frame->std_led = (int)c;
  return 0;

And the same code, but with the generation code in another thread, it does not works anymore…

#include "mbed.h"
#include "rtos.h"

typedef struct  frame_s {
  int           std_led;
}               frame_t;

DigitalOut  std_led(LED1);
DigitalOut  red_led(D9);
DigitalOut  yellow_led(D12);

MemoryPool<frame_t, 16> mpool;
Queue<frame_t, 16> queue;

Serial uart(D10, D3);

void    getDatas(void const *args) {
  yellow_led = 1;
  while (42) {
    yellow_led = !yellow_led;
    osEvent evt = queue.get();
    if (evt.status == osEventMessage) {
      frame_t *frame = (frame_t *)evt.value.p;
      std_led = frame->std_led;;

void  uartRxInterruption(void const *args) {
  int i = 0;
  char c;
  while(true) {
    // char c = uart.getc();
    i += 1;
    c = i % 2;
    red_led = !red_led;

    frame_t *frame = mpool.alloc();
    frame->std_led = (int)c;

int   main(void) {
  Thread    data_generator(getDatas);
  Thread    fake_uart_rx(uartRxInterruption);
  // uart.attach(&uartRxInterruption);

  return 0;

Maybe I missunderstand how to play with thread but I can’t see what’s wrong.