What happened to wait

Has the wait funcdtion been removed and if so, what do I do to replace it?

Thank you

Hello, if I understand correctly, the replacement for wait() is sleep_for(x) where x is in microseconds. Is that correct?


Yes. ThisThread::sleep_for(7ms) would be the replacement for wait(7) in Mbed 5.

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just for clarification. Yes, but:

  • wait(x); where x are seconds
  • ThisThread::sleep_for(x); where x is chrono time and unit has to be specified - 7ms or 7s and so on
  • thread_sleep_for(x) where x are microseconds. This one is more universal.

BR, Jan

Thanks Jamie and Jan

Can anyone recommend a suitable USB plug and play serial programmer for the LPC1114? I have been using Tedd Okano’s

ika_shouyu_poppoyaki - this transfers data (which is stored in “bin” fil… | Mbed

which runs on the LPC1768 and Teraterm. There is a 4 wire connection to the LPC. But, this program was written 10 yrs ago and I think it is now incompatible with the current mbed OS. Preferably something I can get in the UK.

Thank you


Does this work? nxpprog/nxpprog.py at master · ulfen/nxpprog · GitHub

Maybe Black Magic Probe?
It is a debug probe, but can program devices also with a few lines of script.