(Thomas K)
March 12, 2020, 6:11am
Yesterday Packetcraft announced and listed the new Cordio Stack:
According to packetcraft it is going soon to their Github Repo GitHub - packetcraft-inc/stacks: Packetcraft Open Source products: Controller, Host, Profile and Mesh
Is the new 5.2 Cordio stack going to be integrated into Mbed and if so does Mbed have a timeline or target Release Version? Maybe you know the answer to that @donatien .
Since we are in the process of qualifying our product we could qualify it directly with the 5.2 Stack and not have the effort to qualify it two times or be stuck on the 5.1 Cordio Stack while Mbed moves on.
It would be great to have this information so we, and surely others, could take this into account in the project planning.
1 Like
(Andy Powers)
March 19, 2020, 11:06am
Hi Tevva - thanks for the question.
We’re in regular dialogue with Packetcraft and there are a few, minor, issues they are working on before the stack will be ready, and they’ll then need to system test before it can be integrated into Mbed. Our current expectation is that it’ll be ready by the end of next month, so I’d expect us to include the updated 5.2 version of the stack in our May release.
(Thomas K)
March 20, 2020, 7:05am
Hi andypowers,
thank you for your reply, the information is greatly appreciated. I wish you the best of luck on hitting the May release.
With this schedule we would be able to delay our qualification and directly go to the 5.2 stack!
Maybe Mbed could release a rough Roadmap about what to expect on such things. I do understand that this is a lot of work. Sadly a roadmap often brings along quite a lot of expectations which leads to most company’s not communicating Roadmaps with or without dates/time-points.
(Thomas K)
July 13, 2020, 7:11am
Hi @andypowers ,
Packetcraft released the 5.2 Stack r20.05 on May 12, 2020.
Any update when it probably will be integrated into Mbed? The information would help us greatly with our qualification timeline.
(Hugo Reis)
July 13, 2020, 9:44pm
Hello There,
This is something that I’m also looking for…
Best regards
(Thomas K)
July 14, 2020, 11:32am
Github was down yesterday when I wanted to check this. But today I found the corresponding pull request:
← ARMmbed:feature-cordio-update-20-05
opened 04:18PM - 01 Jul 20 UTC
For more information on the requirements for pull requests, please see [th… e contributing guidelines](https://os.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os/latest/contributing/workflow.html).
NOTE: Do not remove any of the template headings (even for optional sections) as this
template is automatically parsed.
### Summary of changes
Update of the Cordio controller and LL stack to the version 20.05. This version of the stack is BT 5.2 certified.
However for resource usage, BT5.2 features are disabled by the mbed os integration.
#### Impact of changes
If there are any implications for users taking this change then they must be
provided here. For Major PR types this field is MANDATORY.
NOTE: This section is automatically written to release notes for Feature and
Major releases and should contain enough details for a user.
From a behavior standpoint, the change should be invisible for users of BLE API. However the latest version of the Cordio stack consumes more flash and more RAM:
- ~5% increase in flash consumption (+10kB).
- ~6% increase in RAM consumption (+1.3kB).
#### Migration actions required
This should only be applicable in Major PR types for which this field is MANDATORY.
NOTE: This section is automatically written to release notes for Feature and
Major releases and should contain enough details for a user.
### Documentation
Please provide details of any document updates required, including links to any
related PRs against the docs repository.
If no document updates are required please specify 'None', this at least tells us
that this has been considered.
### Pull request type
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Please note this is not a GitHub task list, indenting the boxes or changing the format to add a '.' or '*' in front of them would change the meaning incorrectly.
[x] Patch update (Bug fix / Target update / Docs update / Test update / Refactor)
[] Feature update (New feature / Functionality change / New API)
[] Major update (Breaking change E.g. Return code change / API behaviour change)
### Test results
Provide all the information required, listing all the testing performed. For new targets please attach full test results for all supported compilers.
[] No Tests required for this change (E.g docs only update)
[] Covered by existing mbed-os tests (Greentea or Unittest)
[] Tests / results supplied as part of this PR
### Reviewers
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@donatieng @paul-szczepanek-arm
This could be just around the corner.
(Hugo Reis)
July 14, 2020, 11:26pm
That is great news!!
All points to be very soon.
(Thomas K)
July 16, 2020, 5:28am
The Mbed 6.2 Release containing this should be imminent. Thanks for the great work!
adbridge added release-version: 6.2.0 Release-pending labels 19 hours ago to the corresponding pull request
Mbed Rlease dates July: Code Freeze Thu 9th, Release Wed 15th
Now only the annoying Mbed/Cordio power bug with Nordic has to be tackled: BLE power consumption using CORDIO stack too high · Issue #10669 · ARMmbed/mbed-os · GitHub
Hi @Tevva ,
Slightly later than planned, we’ve releasing the updated version of the Cordio stack in the 6.2 release due out today.
1 Like
(Sherif Omran)
December 22, 2020, 4:21am
has the new stack 5.2 been released ? i am trying audio streaming but i still dont know where it is. any guidance is appreciated.
(Anna Bridge)
January 8, 2021, 4:43pm
Hi Sherif,
the updated Cordio stack with BT 5.2 was added under this PR https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/pull/13217 and released with the 6.2.0 version of Mbed OS.