New program in Mbed stadio and run, Notification show “Project build failed: Request build failed with message: Process failed with exit code 2” , Output show “argument -m/–mcu: TEENSY3_1 is not a supported MCU. Supported MCUs are:”.
There is “TEENSY3_1” option in Target Box, how to add MCU to support?
Select “BBC Mirco:bit” is a similar situation.
Teensy 3.1 seems to be not supported in MbedOS 6+ (according to symptoms you have MbedOS6+), a last mention is in MbedOS 5.15 and must be with bare metal profile. But anyway, the compilation not work, some errors about us_ticker_irq_handler occur.
The Teensy3.1 was added by Community Contributors and it seems it is not maintain for long time. And yes, with the Micro::Bit it is similar.
ComboBox with the list of targets seems to be filled from a list where are Targets also from old MbedOS versions.