Thank you for reporting the bug with port 49,999. We confirmed that there was a case when an incorrect port was used for debugging in pyOCD. The issue was fixed. Fix for it will be shipped with the upcoming 1.3.1 release. Apologies for the inconvenience.
We also keep working on a solution to improve debugging in Studio and on supporting more development boards.
Is there a way to change the port in the preferences or will we have to wait for the patch? If we have to wait for the patch, is there an ETA on the release?
Unfortunately, it is impossible at the moment. We are planning to allow soon to modify all pyOCD config in Studio. It won’t however be possible in the upcoming 1.3.1 patch release. It should be released at the beginning of next week.
Is there any news on the 1.3.1 patch release that hopefully was coming this week? Is there a website where we can look at release notes for Mbed Studio or download previous versions?
I had the same port issue, and Mbed Studio 1.3.1 still has not been released, so I had the idea of the following workaround on Windows 10, and it works in my case: just run the following command as administrator:
Apologies for the delay in 1.3.1 release. There was one other issue on Linux that we wanted to fix also as part of this patch. Unfortunately fixing it took longer than expected. 1.3.1 release is created and we finalize testing. It will be most likely distributed on Tuesday next week.
Release notes for Studio are added in Studio. You can access them using Help->Release Notes from the menu.
Thanks to the insight by @bthebaudeau, here is what I did on macOS. I installed nmap via homebrew to accomplish a similar solution. Once nmap is installed, you can use the following to forward the ports used by the debugger and Mbed Studio.
ncat -l 49999 --sh-exec "ncat localhost 50000"
This command needs to be entered in the terminal window after the Background Tasks window reports starting the debugger (In the lower right corner of Mbed Studio). This ensures that the debugger has access to port 50000. The following steps will need to be performed each time the debugger is run.
Press the debug program button
Wait for the message “Starting Debugger” in the lower right part of Mbed Studio window.
Enter the above ncat command in a terminal window.
Patch for Mbed Studio 1.3.1 has just been released today. It should have a fix for starting a debug session on an incorrect port. Apologies for keeping you waiting. Fixing a different issue on Linux took longer than anticipated.