I am trying to connect to the cellular network with a ublox modem sara-R410M. I’m using the mbed-os-example-cellular. However when the at-command “AT+CPIN?” is executed the programm stops.
When i looked at the code, where this is being executed ( file: AT_CellularDevice.cpp, method: get_sim_state), it seems that the wrong answer is expected? … The answer to “AT+CPIN?” is “+CPIN:READY” and not as written in the Code “READY”. Am I missing something?
Secondly, i turned on the debug function to see the AT TX and AT RX. And it seems that the serial driver is missing or loosing some bytes.
For example:
[37430ms][INFO][CELL]: Setup SIM (timeout 1000 ms)
[37434ms][INFO][CELL]: AT TX (8): AT+CPIN?
[37438ms][INFO][CELL]: AT TX (1):
[37445ms][INFO][CELL]: AT RX (17):\ <ln>PN: READ<ln><cr><ln>OK<cr><ln>
If you look at the answer, it seems it is missing the “+” and the “I” in PIN and the “Y” in READY.
Antoher example:
[655508ms][INFO][CELL]: Setup SIM (timeout 1000 ms)
[655512ms][INFO][CELL]: AT TX (8): AT+CPIN?
[655516ms][INFO][CELL]: AT TX (1):
[655524ms][INFO][CELL]: AT RX (18): <cr>+PIN: RAD<cr><ln><cr><ln>OK<cr><ln>
This time it is missing the “E” and “Y” in READY. Any Idea why this could happening?
Any help is appreciated