Clarification on OS 6 Empty vs. OS 6 Bare Metal Example Programs (1.0.0)

I am right in thinking that to convert the OS 6 empty example program into a bare metal one, it just involves adding a mbed_app.json with the same contents as the bare-metal example?

I’ve tried this and added some blinky code including the following


and it compiles fine. Whereas the bare-metal blinky seems to use


So I’m a little confused as the best approach to use for bare-metal: ThisThread::sleep_for() or thread_sleep_for()?


Hello Craig,

Since the ThisThread::sleep_for() is defined as

void ThisThread::sleep_for(Clock::duration_u32 rel_time)
    osStatus_t status = osDelay(rel_time.count());
    MBED_ASSERT(status == osOK);

it calls the thread_sleep_for function when MBED_CONF_RTOS_PRESENT is not defined (which is the case with bare-metal). So they both seem to provide the same functionality but a bare-metal program calling directly thread_sleep_for could be smaller and faster (because of less calls to subroutines). However, that also depends also on the code optimization performed by the used compiler.

Best regards,



They are completely equivalent - one is in C++, the other in C.

As Zoltan said, ThisThread::sleep_for() maps to thread_sleep_for() in the case of bare-metal (i.e. no RTOS). Conversely, when RTOS is available, thread_sleep_for() maps to ThisThread::sleep_for():

    void thread_sleep_for(uint32_t millisec)
        auto d = duration<uint32_t, std::milli>(millisec);
        // Undocumented, but osDelay(UINT32_MAX) does actually sleep forever

Thanks both! I have been using OS 2 for my teaching and this summer plan to port to OS 6. I need to decide whether to go down the bare-metal route or not (we focus on the device drivers mainly, no RTOS). I just want to be sure to as if the students start to see different ways of doing things, they can quickly become confused (as can I!).