Hi all, I am working on a project using Nucleo-L432KC.
Since I need all the available IOs, I modified the jumpers on the Nucleo in order to disconnect D7 and D8 from the 32kHz crystal and to have them connected to PC_14 and PC_15 instead
It was initially not working, then I discovered I need to disable LSE in order to have D7 and D8 operating:
Now the problem is that the pins are actually working (BTW, D8 seems to be input-only), but often the board does not start-up, especially after flashing it.
Pressing the reset pushbutton a few times, makes it working.
I suspect the MCU cannot properly start-up without the 32kHz crystal connected…
Is there a place where to configure the clock tree to start-up with internal RC/HSI and switching to HSE crystal?
according to Mbed targets settings the default clock settings for L4xxx in Mbed is MSI
From my point of view Mbed try to start LSE where is set a timeout around 5s, so you need to disable dependencies on disconnected LSE like a LowPowerTicker.
Try to do that via mbed_app.json with content below.