Good morning everyone !
I am a french student and I am working with a STM32L475 on a project. The purpose of the project is to connect the STM32 to the Wifi, then to connect the device to a server and then to do SQL requests between the server and the device.
For this, I created a new program, using the template “Wifi example for Mbed OS” and the Wifi Conecction works well ! Today, I’am trying to connect my STM32 to the server, opening a socket, and using the function “socket.connect()”. For the moment, I am trying with a localhost. In my code I have the following lines :
reponse = socket.connect(“localhost/”, 80);
if (reponse != 0) {
printf(“Erreur Connecting\n”);
printf(“Connected to the serveur\n”);
And unfortunately, I never have “Connected to the serveur” message…
If someone can help me :slight_smile !