Custom Target in Mbed Studio

Hi everyone,
I am trying to manage my custom target and I have two questions:
1-how should select Deploy and debug target from the list?they are too many options and I dont know how should I figure out which one is going to be the best for my board.
2- every time I save information of my device in manage cusyom device but the next time I connect my device it is not there and I have to initilize it again. can anyone help me please?

Hi @neginshiran,

You can find more about custom target support in Mbed Studio in the documentation here: Custom targets - Supported and custom targets | Mbed Studio Documentation

Please do not hesitate to let us know if it is still not obvious enough after you read it. Your comments can help us improve this section in the documentation.

Is your custom target based on another known target already present in Mbed OS?

Arek - Mbed Studio team

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thank you for your reply I already tried the tutorial but everytime I have to repeat the process because eventhough I save all everything, when I unplug my device Mbed studio fogets it and I have to do it again.
can you please help me?

The custom target should reappear when the device is plugged back in. It sounds like this is not the behaviour you are seeing, but could you confirm that please?

yes exactly every time that I plug my device its like the first time. its not reapearing.

Please can you let us know about your setup (host OS, version of Mbed Studio and any other details that might be relevant) and we can investigate the issue. If you can share the log file through the feedback menu in Studio that might also be helpful.

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thanks a lot for your reply!
I run Mbed Studio on windows10
and my board is consist of STM32L496 , LoRa SX126X.
in build target I chose NUCLEO-L496ZG.

Please confirm what happens to the target dropdown as you plug and unplug your device both with and without a custom target set up.

Does your device have a serial number populated?

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I made the board for a school project so it does not have a serial number.
I already defined the target and called it for ex. Negin and saved it. it is saved in the target list but if I disconnect my board and reconnect it the program wont understand that it is the same board that was connected to 2seconds ago and I have to choose the target manually again.

Thanks for your response. A serial number is the only way to uniquely identify a device, so the scenario you have which doesn’t have one isn’t supported.

If you give your device a serial number, it should resolve your issue.

We are considering persisting custom targets in the target dropdown as a new feature which should mean you won’t have to recreate the custom target in future, however without a serial number set it will never detect your target and set it automatically.

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thank you for your help.