Before reading: I have latestes software (OpenOCD, Eclipse, ARM GNU toolchain …etc)
After spending days, hours to find out why my board never could be debugged. I tried OpenOCD /Eclipse with both Nucleo-L476RG and Nucleo-F207ZG. OpenOCD never could reset, or halt the devices.
I treid Zadig driver, ST origional driver (windows I am talking about). I even tried Linux xbuntu … all failed.
I was suspesious about the delay that could happen during the call of reset, halt. and YES!!!
In my enviroment, My laptop is connected to a laptop-expantion which I have a USB-HUB also connected. I was using the USB-HUB and it was failing all the time.
I tried the NUCLEO-L476RG that I could debug before. Suddenly I couldn’t … I connected again the board DIRECTLY to the laptop without any USB-HUB … and the OpenOCD started again to work …
I tried again the same with Nucleo-F207ZG … but It didn’t work.
I then looked at the OpenOCD\scripts\target\stm32l4x.cfg and OpenOCD\scripts\target\stm32f2x.cfg and compared them in Winmerge… Sure there is a part that is missing in the stm32f2x. the part is as bellow:
# added by mariwan - Start
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {
# CPU comes out of reset with MSI_ON | MSI_RDY | MSI Range 6 (4 MHz).
# Use MSI 24 MHz clock, compliant even with VOS == 2.
# 3 WS compliant with VOS == 2 and 24 MHz.
mww 0x40022000 0x00000103 ;# FLASH_ACR = PRFTBE | 3(Latency)
mww 0x40021000 0x00000099 ;# RCC_CR = MSI_ON | MSIRGSEL | MSI Range 9
# Boost JTAG frequency
adapter speed 4000
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-start {
# Reset clock is MSI (4 MHz)
adapter speed 500
# added by mariwan - END
After adding that part to the config file of the Nucleo-F207ZG … Sure the debugger started to work!!!
Days, hours spent on finding this issue. I hope this help you
Think about that, any board, if the OpenOCD cannot rest/halt , you might have a delay issue in your connection. Sure there might be other issues.
I suggested that change to OpenOCD … I hope they fix that file. But there might be a need for adding it to other files also for other boards.
Hope I help you to not face what I faced