Development environment for prrojct DAPlink

I have problem by making an environment for project DAPlink.
Have any a virtual maschine or a good step by step manual for making development environment fors starting compiling?
Best regards


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Thank for your information!
Must I buy a KEIL pro LIC?
You wrote thta need MDK-ARM pro
If I try with KIEL (demo) (some information)

[DEBUG] Return: 1
[DEBUG] Output: Fatal error: C3921U: Option ‘–interleave’ not available with your license.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “P:\DAPLink\mbed-os\tools\”, line 71, in wrapped_build_project
src_dir, build_dir, mcu, args, kwargs
File “P:\DAPLink\mbed-os\tools\”, line 538, in build_project
objects = toolchain.compile_sources(resources, sorted(resources.get_file_paths(FileType.INC_DIR)))
File “P:\DAPLink\mbed-os\tools\”, line 413, in compile_sources
return self.compile_queue(queue, objects)
File “P:\DAPLink\mbed-os\tools\”, line 476, in compile_queue
raise ToolException(err)
ToolException: Fatal error: C3921U: Option ‘–interleave’ not available with your license.
[mbed] ERROR: “C:\Python27\python.exe” returned error.
Code: 1
Path: “P:\DAPLink”
Command: “C:\Python27\python.exe -u P:\DAPLink\mbed-os\tools\ -t ARM -m lpc11u35_if --profile custom_profile.json --source . --build .\BUILD\LPC11U35_IF\ARM-CUSTOM_PROFILE -v”
Tip: You could retry the last command with “-v” flag for verbose output

Error - mbed compile!

I try with ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 isntalles in C:\ARM_Compiler_506u6\bin
and set mbed config ARM_PATH C:\ARM_Compiler_506u6\bin\armcc
an error code 2 returns!

Is there any FREE compiler (Win10 / Ubuntu / …)?


Must I buy a KEIL pro LIC?
You wrote thta need MDK-ARM pro

Yes, that is my understanding.

[DEBUG] Return: 1
[DEBUG] Output: Fatal error: C3921U: Option ‘–interleave’ not available with your license.

The build project uses -interleave option which is required for Professional/Essential/Plus edition (non-free edition).

Is there any FREE compiler (Win10 / Ubuntu / …)?

AFAIK, there is an experimental branch which use GCC to build DAPLink. Please see below more detail.