Hi team,
I am using latest mbed os, and with mbed-os 5.9.5 library.
I am facing “[ERROR] ‘_queue.SimpleQueue’ object has no attribute ‘queue’”.
Could any please help me asap to resolve the issue.
try check this - Misleading AttributeError: ‘_queue.SimpleQueue’ object has no attribute ‘queue’ when compiler fails · Issue #905 · ARMmbed/mbed-cli (github.com)
But will be hard to get any support for so old MbedOS version.
BR, Jan
Hello Jan,
This solution is not working,
I tried before.
could you please elaborate below comment:
Ah… the problem was that I have ccache setup, but the compiler was not in the PATH.
Well, that is an easy way to replicate this issue.
Not sure, but
this seems an info about tha path to GCC compiler was not in PC’s Environment variables with name PATH.
Else I have no Idea.
BR, Jan
Hey Jan,
Will you provide any support/ solution to fix this error ?
I am just community member and I would like to help, but I have no time to investigate it more into deep, sorry.
I am also not sure what you mean with
latest is MbedOS 6.17
One more thing - Getting a ERROR , while trying to debug in MBED STUDIO - Mbed Studio - Arm Mbed OS support forum
BR, Jan
Hey Jan,
How can I create a python virtual environment python2.7 from python 3.7 in mbed os ?
Same question
How to create python 2.7 virtual environment using python 3.7 - Stack Overflow
And not in MbedOS but on your PC it is related to MbedCLI probably.
BR, Jan
Hello Jan,
I am using mbed-os 5.9.5 library to compile the program,
here I am facing “[ERROR] ‘_queue.SimpleQueue’ object has no attribute ‘queue’”.
I know saw this above and I gave you the info I found.
- What build tool are you using?
- Why are you using Mbed 5.9.5?
BR, Jan
Hello Jan,
The solution which you are provided was not working.
Build tool mbed studio
We had developed one project in 2021 by using Mbed 5.9.5 library .
To be honest, I did not provide any solution because I do not know it. I just share a potential source of handy information.
Mbed Studio supports Mbed OS 5.12 and later, so your MbedOS is not supported in Mbed Studio. Information what was in link few posts above. Mbed OS 5.15 is recommended as latest in Mbed OS5.
Did you tried to do it via Keil Studio Cloud?
Btw Why did you choose Mbed OS 5.9.5 in 2021 when there was already Mbed OS6? Something target specific or? I am trying to understand context because that could lead to solution.
BR, Jan
Hello Jan,
Issue resolved.
Thank you
Hello Jagadeswar,
I’m glad you were successful.
Can you share or mark the solution for others what will faced same/similar issue please?
Thank you
BR, Jan
Did you tried to do it via Keil Studio Cloud?
No stanz, in mbed studio only