Generating a bin file instead of a hex file when using the online compiler

The current application I have built use the NRF52840 DK platform and currently when I build this project via the online compiler it generates an hex file. I was wondering if its possible to generate a bin file as I have built a bootloader and i need to be able to flash the bin file and not the hex file.


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The online compiler currently returns the default board file either .hex or .bin

You can use Hexplorer to export the file in a different format:

open the .hex file and simply export as a .bin file.

Thanks Paul, I was hoping that I could change it via the mbed_app.json file, the kind if binary o/p i would like the compiler to generate. Thanks for your inputs, I will try the Hexplorer out and see if it does generate it the o/p that works for me?
