Getting Acceleration Data from MAX32630FTHR

Hi Everyone!

I have recently started to use MAX32630FTHR board for an IoT application.
This controller has on-board accelerometer, and I want to measure the values from time to time in my code.

I am using Mbed compiler with cpp for my project. As it is my first experience using this board and compiler so I was looking for some application examples. But I didn’t see any examples to specifically measure accelerometer values from on board sensor using MAX32630FTHR.

Any advise regarding which library to use, or sharing any relevant resources will be highly appreciated. Thanks, have a good day.



it is not updated for 3-4 years but you will see.
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, IMU. Bosch Sensortec Inertial Sensor BMI160 | Mbed

BR, Jan

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Thanks for your reply Johnny,

It works for me.