Help! Process failed with no idea

I am a student who learns to use the mbed to creat some things,
recently I have run a program using mbed studio. However, the mbed studio always reminds me that [ERROR] ‘gbk’ codec can’t decode byte 0xab in position 19269: illegal multibyte sequence. And the code couldn’t run successfully.
I have no idea about the meaning of that warning. What is wrong with my program as well as the code?
Thanks for answering my question!
The code is as follow
#include “mbed.h”

#include “platform/mbed_thread.h”

int main()


// Initialise the digital pin LED1 as an output

DigitalOut redled(D3);

DigitalOut greenled(D6);

DigitalOut switchinput(D9);

while (true) {

    greenled=0; //the greenled is off

    redled=1;  //the redled is on 


    redled=0;  //the redled is off

    greenled = 1;  //the greenled is on






this is your second topic and third post (in total with topics) about same problem during last day. If any of the visitors knew, they would have already written it to you for sure. So you must wait.

However, you can improve certain things.

  • use the button to edit your post and don’t create a new topic for same things
  • place your code between these symbols ``` on the start and at the end for correct formating.
  • what is your target board?
  • what is your MbedOS version?
  • do you have latest version of MbedStudio and its tools?
  • what is your OS of your PC?

I use the MbedStudio 1.4.1 (all latest) on Win10 Pro. I compile your code for MbedOS 6.12 on Nucleo-F429ZI and compilation was succesful without any erros or warnings.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "platform/mbed_thread.h"

int main()
// Initialise the digital pin LED1 as an output
DigitalOut redled(D3);
DigitalOut greenled(D6);
DigitalOut switchinput(D9);

    while (true) {
        greenled=0; //the greenled is off
        redled=1;  //the redled is on 

        redled=0;  //the redled is off
        greenled = 1;  //the greenled is on

BR, Jan

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I am so sorry for that! I will pay attention to these rules next time.
However, you can the picture as follows. The code still couldn’t run successfully.
I use the MbedStudio 1.4.1 on Win10 Pro. I compile my code for MbedOS 6.12 on Nucleo-L432KC.
Therefore, according to the deploy and debug target, I choose the STM32L432KCUx(Keil.STM32L4xx_DFP.2.5.0).
Thanks for answering my question!

Did you check Zoltan’s answer in your previous topic?

It seems possible ,I also encountered exit code 1 in the past (not with Mbed Studio), and solution was a fix in wrong path to directory.

BR, Jan

Thanks a lot! Sorry to disturb you.