I am doing development for RAK8212M. I am using mbed-os. I was using 5.14 up to most current version 5.15 (master branch). I am trying to connect to cellular network using build in BG96. However I can not get it working. What I did:
There is not RAK target currently defined in mbed so I defined custom target. I created folder TARGET_RAK_8280M. I have added my custom_targets.json file. I have inherited my target from “inherits”: [“MCU_NRF52832”] same as NRF52_DK does.
I have added my new PinNames.h where I mapped pins according to technical specification. I could not find those two so I commeted them out. In random examples in the internet I did not see them used.
Then I defined my RAK_QUECTEL_BG_96 class. I based it on TARGET_WIO_BG96->ONBOARD_QUECTEL_BG96 class from the mbed-os. I have changed onboard modem init
void RAK_QUECTEL_BG96::onboard_modem_init()
My mbed_app.json looks like in the link. I defined pins similar as in PinNames.h, I have disabled ppp since I think I should use AT commands. I have experimented with different ip version.
And my main looks like this. I have experimented with creating default either device or context or network etc.
Nothing seems to help. All I get is this:
I know the error means there was a problem with communicating with BG96. I have not upgraded any firmware since I got it (because I can not connect to network and only remote upgrade is possible).
I hope you found a means to make that hardware earn it’s keep. We just sent a RAK5010 back after spending a few hours discovering all that was wrong with the basic hardware, the ‘software’ was none existent. The fix according to RAK was to burn Adafruit bootloader which requires a Jlink which requires $400 since we purchased the product to make money. Matters not, the BG96 will not work on the network we have access to, Verizon, the IMEI is not valid.