Hi everyone.
I have a project which compiles fine using 5.15.3. I have just upgraded to Mbed6.0, and have altered some code to work with the new API’s, or depreciated API’s.
I am compiling to a Nucleo L432RC board, using the online environment. I have F401 and L151 boards as well , but not tried to compile with these yet, as the main board is the L432RC…
This is the error :-
Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol Image$$ARM_LIB_HEAP$$ZI$$Base (referred from …/…/build/mbed-os/rtos/source/TARGET_CORTEX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/mbed_boot_arm_std.NUCLEO_L432KC.o).
I was wondering if anyone could help with this please?
Many thanks