Whenever I try to read an analog value from any of the analog in pins, i get the following error.
++ MbedOS Error Info ++ Error Status: 0x80010133 Code: 307 Module: 1 Error Message: Mutex: 0x20000510, Not allowed in ISR context Location: 0x8009869 Error Value: 0x20000510 Current Thread: rtx_idle Id: 0x20001D90 Entry: 0x8007441 StackSize: 0x280 StackMem: 0x20001E60 SP: 0x2001FEAC For more info, visit: https://mbed.com/s/error?error=0x80010133&tgt=NUCLEO_F446RE -- MbedOS Error Info --
It happens when I press the InteruptIn button which calls a function. Inside that function there are a few lines of code that run perfectly normal but when it reaches the analog read function, it throws the previous error.
Not to paste my whole program, here is main and the called function.
int main()
timer.start(); //debounce
button.mode(PullUp); //Postavljanje moda guba za paljenje/gašenje vozila
button.rise(&toggle); //Poziva funkciju koja sve pokreće/zaustavlja*/
void toggle()
if(timer.read() > 0.5) //Unutar ove petlje kako bi smo izbjegli debouncing
float desni = ante.read(); //Error here
void pokreni_motore()
if(brojac % 2 == 0)
if(brojac % 2 != 0)
The analogIn pin is declared as:
AnalogIn ante(A1);
Anyone know why it would do something like that?
Important thing to note is that when i run thise code, it works without any errors.
MbedOS has most of methods covered by Mutex - printf, read/write, send/received and so on.
In context of your code. Method AnalogIn::read, what you call from ISR context, contains Lock/Unlock and we can found above that is not allowed.
place just a bool flag into your ISR handler, somewhere in a loop place an if statement with that flag and inside of that just place the AnalogIn::read
use EventQueue and take it out of interrupt contex. You can use first example as a reference and just replace the printf with AnalogIn::read
For settings click here
For EventQueue could be necessary this settings in mbed_app.json file
I realized the mistake in my code. I was trying to run everything from the interupt.
I changed the code by making the interrupt only change a bool to true or flase and had the resto of the functions in a while loop in main.
int main()
timer.start(); //debounce
button.mode(PullUp); //Postavljanje moda guba za paljenje/gašenje vozila
button.rise(&toggle); //Poziva funkciju koja sve pokreće/zaustavlja
And this is my toggle function
void toggle()
if(timer.read() > 0.25) //Unutar ove petlje kako bi smo izbjegli debouncing
aktivan = !aktivan;
Now Im having problems changing the bool value. When i press the Interrupt button, this function runs but the aktivan value changes from false to “unknown” acording to the debugger. And as such the while loop iN main doesnt run but when I change aktivan to true from the start it runs normally.
All I want to do is use Interrupt to change a bool value back and forth, is that possible or am I missing something and you cant use Interrupts like that?
Got it working, really appriciate your help.
Im coming from a windows C++ background where I had the luxury of virtually unlimited resources and a compiler with zero intrusive opitimizations which compiled everything I threw at it. So as you can imagine, this transition has been challenging.