I don’t have a handshake. Specifically, the problem is described here:
The function
static int function x509_crt_merge_flags_with_cb (x509_crt.c)
returns the value 8 in the flags variable. I went through this function step by step and saw that cur_flags was assigned the value 8 in the line
cur_flags = cur->flags;
. I don’t know where value 8 came from in cur->flags. Since the condition
if( NULL != f_vrfy )
fails (f_vrfy = 0), the
if( ( ret = f_vrfy( p_vrfy, cur->crt, (int) i-1, &cur_flags ) ) != 0 )
line is not called. Probably p_vrfy is not registered? Where does the value 8 come from in cur->flags;?