mbedTLS on ESP8266 SDK - memory issue?

Hi @abomin3v3l

Yes, as mentioned in the anouncement, Mbed TLS project is now maintained under the governace of http://trustedfirmware.org/. As such, its non Pelion related support has moved as well, to the mailing list stated in the post.
Since you are not working on Pelion, a more suitable place for you rquestion would be there.

Glancing at your issue, since adding the semaphore before the while loop shows you a higher free memory, I woudl say you are trying to do multi TLS sessions at a time, which means you are trying to allocate 5KB per session.
However, the log also shows that your minimal heap is decreasing by each iteration, which means you have some memory leak, and you aren’t freeing a resource somewhere
Mbed Support

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