I am trying validate one root CA and one Intermediate CA signed by root CA.
On linux PC, it is working fine, But on arm based embedded platform mbedtls_x509_crt_verify function is -0x2700 . What could be possibly went wrong. Using valgrind profiled the memory utilization - found to be 12 kb on heap 16kb on stack.
I configured my RTOS to have even more like 32k for each and still getting this error. What else would went wrong, any help would be appreciated.
On Linux platform: parsing & verification success
On embedded platform: Parsing trusted cert & verify cert are successful, but verification failed with error return -0x2700 and flag 512.
Hi @gopi219
The flag 512 is 0x200 which is MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_FUTURE.
This probably means that the system time in your device is not set correct.
Mbed TLS Support
Thank you, It is working with time disabled from config.h.
Now, I am writing my custom function to obtain timestamp in uint32_t UnixGMT, May I have any resource how to integrate that with mbedtls library so that mbedtls_x509_crt_verify will use my-custom-build-fn to get current time for validation.
In this article you should find explanation how to set your own implementation of mbedtls_time() .
However, in x509 verification, you will also need support for gmtime_r. Is this available in your system? If not, you should follw instructions in here for how to define mbedtls_platform_gmtime_r().
I have such a function. uint32_t u32GetEpoch() manages to return platform time in GMT format. However, bit confused in defining MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_GMTIME_R_ALT macro.
Shall I simple add #define MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_GMTIME_R_ALT u32GetEpoch but config.h or platform.h
Shall I simple add #define MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_GMTIME_R_ALT u32GetEpoch but config.h or platform.h
No, as mentioned here, you will need to implement a thread safe function mbedtls_platform_gmtime_r() which will wrap u32GetEpoch.
Note that this function should be thread safe across all the system, as gmtime_r behaves.
if u32GetEpoch is already thread-safe, then you only need to call this function, with the relevant parameters.
time_t time_ALT( time_t *t )
time_t lt = (time_t)u32ComputeTime(); // platform fn that compute current time based on uptime and last synced unix-gmt with peer
if( NULL != t)
*t = lt;
printf("<timer:%d>", lt);
return lt;
The application I used with Certificate v1 is perfectly working fine. However, after chainging the PKI with Certificate v3, it is stopped working.
To make the verification success, I need to comment all time/date related functions above, so that date/time validty check is skipped.
While calling the below function, I tried pringing debug time_ALT. It could able to print correct time. However the verify funtion fails with -2700 and flag 1. as below
Hi @gopi219
The error and flag means that the certificate verification failed because it expired.
Why have you added 1900 to the year amd 1 to the month? Note that mbedtls_platform_gmtime_r should behave like gmtime_r which is, in short, threadsafe gmtime, so you shouldn’t add these values.
As you can see in the implementation of x509_get_current_time(), these values are added the the structure returned by your function, so your certificate has expired, probably because its expiration date was before 2020 + 1900 = 2920, I assume:)
Hi @gopi219
Thanks for sharing your solution.
Do I understand that you were missing the tm_mday part? Hasn’t the addition of 1900 to the year caused problems in the certificate verification, due to x509_get_current_time()?