Sorry - this has little to do with the mbed version in fact the M24S driver seems to be incorporated in recent versions…
I still could not find a way to use the example for my project. I am struggling with the use of the API I guess. Could it be with lack of async function? I keep searching.
Studying this Arduino example at the moment.
Ye, it is for Mbed2 but for verification of function it is OK. You can also try to remove Mbed2 and import newest version of MbedOS. I think with MbedOs 5.15.7 it can be OK. With MbedOs6+ probably not and some work can be necesarry.
Maybe we can try to ask…
Hello @apalmieri (I do not know if you are the right one), is it possible to update the example of X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 Dynamic NFC Tag | Mbed for MbedOS6, please? Thank you
Thank you both! I had seen this but still could not figure out how to read the UID from the system file. I am still on the error above file not found and wondering if I have to call verify…
@apalmieri I am still not able to work out an approach to read the UID. I am booting my Discovery board and would like to read the UID via I2C which can be done in blocking mode.
Any pointers & hints would be great.
I am still using M24SR - STMicroelectronics' M24SR NFC Dynamic Tag Library. | Mbed and the functional description from M24SR64-Y
Not sure if @paulszczepanek is around - wouldn’t mind switching to the modern approach outlined in Andrea’s reference example but I just cannot wrap my head around using it to read the UID…
Thank you for the time& support!!
Unfortunately, I don’t have a DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A board neither any experience with NFC yet. So take this as my tip based on digging a bit into the Mbed’s mbed-os-example-nfc recommended above by Andrea Palmieri.