NUCLEO_L4R5ZI board not supported by mbed cli for iar

I ran the command: “mbed export -i IAR -m NUCLEO_L4R5ZI”

and got response error: “NUCLEO_L4R5ZI not supported by iar”

However, I was able to compile successfully with command: “mbed compile -m NUCLEO_L4R5ZI -t IAR”

Also, command “mbed detect” returns the following list:

Target mbed OS 2 mbed OS 5 uARM IAR ARM GCC_ARM ARMC5
NUCLEO_L4R5ZI Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported -
NUCLEO_L4R5ZI_P Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported -
Supported targets: 2

Is there a fix for this?

Hi Iiro,

Either there is a bug or something else in exporter. So fix is possible but not in near future.
Export operation makes configuration json-files to hardcoded header and removes part of flexibility.

If you want to use IAR not just compiling then you have to port the project manually. I would recommended you to compile with Mbed CLI using IAR as compiler and use Eclipse, IAR or what ever you like for editing etc.
