Pelion over the air firmware update

I am studying Pelion and I have some questions. As I can see Pelion supports e2e firmware update using the mbed portal. Is it necessary for the device that I would like to update to be connected to the internet? (I saw that all the supported platform support either ethernet or wifi) I am not sure that I understand how the over the air update is taking place. If I have a GW with multiple end devices connected to it, how can I update the end devices if they are not connected to the internet.

You can use Pelion Edge for devices that are not connected directly to the internet. The update client runs on the device as-is but the gateway handles incoming updates and delivers over an alternative transport mechanism (e.g. via BLE, or some serial protocol). Because you pass the firmware and manifest through the update is still signed and cannot be tampered with by the gateway (transport layer security is not end to end naturally).

Thank you for your reply. Therefore, I can have some end devices connected to the internet where the firmware update will take place using the internet connection while at the same time I can have end devices (e.g LoRa) which can be updating using the GW infrastructure using edge compute.

Correct. Regarding LoRa, also see our work on multicast firmware updates over LoRaWAN. This can also be integrated with Pelion Device Management.

Hello, I would like some more information about the device management and firmware updates (FOTA) when the device is not connected to the internet.

As I see, the device management and FOTA is taking place using the LWM2M protocol. If the device is connected to the internet then the LWM2M client is running on my end device (ED).
However, what is going on when the device is not connected to internet? For example, what is going on if the ED is using the 802.15.4 protocol and needs a GW for the communication? Does the LWM2M client (i.e Pelion client) run on the ED and the GW is “transparent”. Also, does the GW uses the border router to “translate” the 802.15.4 to internet packets?

Finally, when the Pelion Edge is useful? As I can understand is for device that can not handle the Pelion client