Porting mbed OS to a board not listed in the platform list

Hello xfolder,

There is a yotta documentation to write targets. Yotta is a build system for mbedOS.

Or there is a similar question:

The answer from James Crosby ( jamcro01 ) the following:

It’s absolutely possible to port mbed OS to your own board. We don’t currently have a public porting guide, although you can find a basic outline in the readme for https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-hal23.

In summary the process involves:

  • creating a new yotta target10 for your platform (probably deriving from the existing mbed-gcc4 or mbed-armcc2 targets)
  • creating new modules to port the mbed-hal layer to your platform, initially with all drivers disabled, and then using yotta link3 and link-target1 to test and build locally as you port individual drivers. (we’d recommend hosting the source for these on GitHub, and making sure they have helpful readme files so that other people can contribute improvements back)
  • finally using yotta publish1 to make your port available to everyone.

If you’re unfamiliar with yotta, it might be useful to start with the mbed OS tutorial12 to familiarise yourself before starting a port. I’d also recommend porting the latest version of mbed OS, rather than the 15.11 release, as mbed OS development is moving quickly.

Note that currently the officially supported mbed OS ports are limited to those by ARM and our Partners, if your company is interested in becoming an mbed Partner then you can find more details on this page: Free open source IoT OS and development tools from Arm | Mbed

Hope that’s all helpful!