I’m trying to port my board to mbed 5.0, i’ve already ported it to mbed 3.0, so i think i will reuse the same the cmsis and hal layers, and copy them into mbed-os/hal/target/cmsis/VENDOR/TARGET_mytarget and mbed-os/hal/target/hal/VENDOR/TARGET_mytarget
i did a small test with a blinking led, and it works.
Now i wanted to try rtos, so I added of course my board configuration in the 2 following files : RTX_CM_lib.h and RTX_Conf_CM.c.
I’m getting a weird exception when i try to start a thread, actually it prints using the uart : Exception.
I did a step by step debug and, it seems that the Exception occurs just after this line ( 3 line) in the function : osStatus Thread::start(Callback<void()> task) :
#if defined(__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CA9) || defined(__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM)
_thread_def.pthread = Thread::_thunk;
if (_thread_def.stack_pointer == NULL) {
_thread_def.stack_pointer = new uint32_t[_thread_def.stacksize/sizeof(uint32_t)];
if (_thread_def.stack_pointer == NULL) {
return osErrorNoMemory;