Send/Receiving big resources

After some time getting familiar with the mbed-cloud-client source. I believe this not to be possible in the current version (4.3.0). My understanding is that this is due to the underlaying implementation in mbed-coap whereby it expects a location to the entire resource value, and it will handle responding to the subsequent block message requests. It would be nice if we were also able to pass down a callback function to provide the payload for other the blocks.

My conclusion is that it is NOT possible to stream a resource body where the size is larger than the available ram. This limitation should be taken into consideration in any future system designs.

As reference the closest I got was with some wally polly code
M2MObject* big_object = M2MInterfaceFactory::create_object("32771");
M2MObjectInstance* big_object_inst = big_object->create_object_instance();
M2MResource* big_res = big_object_inst->create_dynamic_resource("26244", "BigRes", M2MResourceInstance::OPAQUE, true, false, true);



// incoming_block_msg_cb must be set in order to initialise _block_message_data on the resource
big_res->set_incoming_block_message_callback(incoming_block_message_callback(this, &Cloud::block_message_received));
big_res->set_outgoing_block_message_callback(outgoing_block_message_callback(this, &Cloud::block_request));

sn_coap_options_list_s options_list_ptr;
coapHeader.options_list_ptr = &options_list_ptr;
coapHeader.options_list_ptr->block1 = 0;
coapHeader.options_list_ptr->use_size1 = true; // trick the resource so that it originally received as a block message even though it didn't
coapHeader.options_list_ptr->size1 = 1024;// ensure this is bigger than specified SN_COAP_MAX_BLOCKWISE_PAYLOAD_SIZE
