How to test the Bigpayload mbed client example

I am really new in mbed client. I am planning to read/write file from mbed client. I saw some example in GitHub - ARMmbed/mbed-os-example-client: DEPRECATED: This is the mbed Client example application for mbed OS. which used bigpayload. My question is how can I test it (for sending or receiving bigpayload data /file) I had tried it with mbed connector console by sending a long string, unfortunately it failed,

How can I test it with curl or httpie? I had read When I send short string is fine but I cant send very long string? What is the proper way to test this features?


The node.js or Python SDKs would probably work.

thanks @janjongboom , I tried already with the node,js and mbed client example linuxHowever, the callback from the client received, but the the total message size is 0. I added “coap_max_incoming_block_message_size”: 100000 in config.json file as suggested here


Below is the callback function.I am confuse why the last block is execute straight away as I understand the the block message is start from 0:

void block_message_received(M2MBlockMessage *argument) {
if (argument) {

    if (M2MBlockMessage::ErrorNone == argument->error_code()) {
        if (argument->is_last_block()) {
            printf("Last block received\r\n");
        printf("Block number: %d\r\n", argument->block_number());
        printf("Total message size: %d\r\n", argument->total_message_size());
        // First block arrived
        if (argument->block_number() == 0) {
            _block_message = NULL;
            _block_message_len = argument->total_message_size();
            _block_message = (uint8_t*)malloc(_block_message_len);
            if (_block_message) {
                memcpy(_block_message, argument->block_data(), argument->block_data_len());
        } else {
            if (_block_message) {
                // Combine blocks
                memcpy(_block_message + (argument->block_data_len() * argument->block_number()),
    } else {
        printf("Error when receiving block message! %d\r\n", argument->error_code());
