SSD1306_simple library examples needed

Hope I’m posting this in the correct place…

I’m relatively new to ST devices having spent most of my life working with Microchip, AVR, ESP devices etc. I’m writing a SimpleFOC BLDC controller for a nucleo F466RE board. This works well enough and before finalizing an interface board to marry my BLDC driver board and nucleo, I thought a display might be a nice addition (using an SSD1306 I2C display). These are OK, but slow to write to which screws up my control loop a little when running at high speeds.

I found a library at SSD1306_simple - Simple line-by-line way to use SSD1306 screens. | Mbed which claims to be very fast. Only problem is I have no example code. Now I should add that I’m writing this using the STM32duino Arduino core for STM32 MCUs, in the Arduino IDE (That may be a red line for some, I apologize!). I would prefer if feasible not to learn any new tools, but would not rule it out either I guess.

Any guidance would be really appreciated. The author of the library does not appear to be active here since ~2020.

