Hope I’m posting this in the correct place…
I’m relatively new to ST devices having spent most of my life working with Microchip, AVR, ESP devices etc. I’m writing a SimpleFOC BLDC controller for a nucleo F466RE board. This works well enough and before finalizing an interface board to marry my BLDC driver board and nucleo, I thought a display might be a nice addition (using an SSD1306 I2C display). These are OK, but slow to write to which screws up my control loop a little when running at high speeds.
I found a library at SSD1306_simple - Simple line-by-line way to use SSD1306 screens. | Mbed which claims to be very fast. Only problem is I have no example code. Now I should add that I’m writing this using the STM32duino Arduino core for STM32 MCUs, in the Arduino IDE (That may be a red line for some, I apologize!). I would prefer if feasible not to learn any new tools, but would not rule it out either I guess.
Any guidance would be really appreciated. The author of the library does not appear to be active here since ~2020.