String problem Nuclea-F103RB

I have a problem with Nucleo-F130RB:
#include “string”

string ts;
ts+=" Welt";

results in error:
Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol __2swprintf (referred from /opt/ARMCompiler6.15.13/bin/…/lib/libcxx/libcpp_w.l(string.cpp.o)).

With Nucleo-F103RB

The code works fine with Nucleo-L152RE

Please, can anybody help me.

Using the following Prototypes in main.cpp can solve the Problem

extern “C”{
wchar_t* wmemcpy (wchar_t* destination, const wchar_t* source, size_t num){return nullptr;}
wchar_t* wmemset (wchar_t* ptr, wchar_t wc, size_t num){return nullptr;}
int __ARM_snprintf ( char * s, size_t n, const char * format, … ){return 0;}
int __ARM_vasprintf (char ret, const char format, va_list ap){return 0;}
int __ARM_vsnprintf (char * s, size_t n, const char * format, va_list arg ){return 0;}
int __ARM_vsscanf ( const char * s, const char * format, va_list arg ){return 0;}
size_t _mbsnrtowcs ( wchar_t * restrict_dest, const char
restrict_src, size_t nms, size_t len, mbstate_t
restrict_ps){return 0;}
size_t _wcsnrtombs(char restrict_dest, const wchar_t restrict_src, size_t nwc, size_t len, mbstate_t * restrict_ps){return 0;}
wint_t btowc (int c){return 0;}
int iswalpha( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
int iswcntrl( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
int iswdigit( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
int iswlower( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
int iswprint( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
int iswpunct( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
int iswspace( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
int iswupper( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
int iswxdigit( wint_t ch ){return 0;}
size_t mbrlen (const char
pmb, size_t max, mbstate_t
ps){return 0;}
size_t mbsrtowcs (wchar_t
dest, const char** src, size_t max, mbstate_t* ps){return 0;}
int mbtowc (wchar_t* pwc, const char* pmb, size_t max){return 0;}
wint_t towlower ( wint_t c ){return 0;}
wint_t towupper ( wint_t c ){return 0;}
int wcscoll (const wchar_t* wcs1, const wchar_t* wcs2){return 0;}
size_t wcsxfrm (wchar_t* destination, const wchar_t* source, size_t num){return 0;}
int wctob (wint_t wc){return 0;}
int __2swprintf (wchar_t* ws, size_t len, const wchar_t* format, …){return 0;}
size_t wcslen( const wchar_t str ){return 0;}
long int wcstol (const wchar_t
str, wchar_t** endptr, int base){return 0;}
unsigned long int wcstoul (const wchar_t* str, wchar_t** endptr, int base){return 0;}
unsigned long long int wcstoull (const wchar_t* str, wchar_t** endptr, int base){return 0;}
double __wcstod_int( const wchar_t* str, wchar_t** str_end ){return 0;}
float __wcstof_int( const wchar_t* str, wchar_t** str_end ){return 0;}
wchar_t* wmemchr (const wchar_t* ptr, wchar_t wc, size_t num){return 0;}
int wmemcmp (const wchar_t* ptr1, const wchar_t* ptr2, size_t num){return 0;}
wchar_t* wmemmove (wchar_t* destination, const wchar_t* source, size_t num){return nullptr;}
int iswblank (wint_t c){return 0;}
long long int strtoll (const char* str, char** endptr, int base){return 0;}
long long int wcstoll (const wchar_t* str, wchar_t** endptr, int base){return 0;}

Using the prototypes in a header-file doesn’t work.
Please give me a better solution.


it can be probably caused by this.
Just try to set this, see below, in the mbed_app.json (if you do not have one then just create one in the project folder).

    "target_overrides": {
        "*": {
            "target.c_lib": "std",
            "target.printf_lib": "std"

BR, Jan

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Thank you very much Jan,
that solves the problem!!!