Syntax for nRF24L01P+ with Blue Pill

I’m using the online compiler

Hi, I’m just trying to communicate two blue pill’s with two nRF24L01P’s with maybe just a button to turn a resistor.

My question is that what is the correct syntax to powerup/powerdown the board.

This is my nRF24L01P.h file
* Power up the nRF24L01+ into Standby mode
void powerUp(void);

 * Power down the nRF24L01+ into Power Down mode
void powerDown(void);

This is my nRF24L01P.cpp file

void nRF24L01P::powerUp(void) {

int config = getRegister(_NRF24L01P_REG_CONFIG);

config |= _NRF24L01P_CONFIG_PWR_UP;

setRegister(_NRF24L01P_REG_CONFIG, config);

// Wait until the nRF24L01+ powers up
wait_us( _NRF24L01P_TIMING_Tpd2stby_us );



void nRF24L01P::powerDown(void) {

int config = getRegister(_NRF24L01P_REG_CONFIG);

config &= ~_NRF24L01P_CONFIG_PWR_UP;

setRegister(_NRF24L01P_REG_CONFIG, config);

// Wait until the nRF24L01+ powers down
wait_us( _NRF24L01P_TIMING_Tpd2stby_us );    // This *may* not be necessary (no timing is shown in the Datasheet), but just to be safe



I’m trying to implement this in my main.cpp file

My code is

DigitalOut myled(LED1);

int main()
while(1) {
myled = 0; // LED ON
wait(5.0); // 5 second
myled = 1; // LED ON
wait(5.0); // 5 second

If any of you guys could communicate via discord for a faster response. I’d appreciate the help. My discord is HitsugaCS#3746